Now you can discover the powerful taste of Hula Girl 100% Kona Hawaiian Instant Coffee Freeze Dried, famous for its highly aromatic and smooth flavor. Hawaiian freeze dried and made from the finest Kona Coffee beans. Use 1-2 teaspoons per cup of hot water and stir.

The secret, is not to pour the boiling water immediately but rather to pour a small amount of warm water first - just enough to dissolve the granulated instant coffee.  Stir it just a bit until the granules have fully dissolved. If you prefer your freeze dried Kona coffee with milk or coffee creamer then this should be added before you pour the boiling water into your cup.
The most important element of a great cup of coffee is the water. If your water is high in impurities or mineral content, it is recommended to switch to a quality bottled water or a tap water filter. Try it!  This way the Kona instant coffee really tastes better just like freshly brewed coffee.
Some prefer to use milk only. It makes the coffee creamier. Make sure to warm up the milk less than when using water only. Milk heats up very quick.  Thirty seconds in the micro should be enough.
Real cream makes the taste incredible. Not a non dairy creamer, but either a canned cream or fresh cream.